It is a path for spiritual growth has been designed, an energy healing method so that all the people who feel it in their heart may get in touch with their Inner Master and manifest its presence in their life.
The Amaranta Method is the fruit of a deep investigation and experimentation that was led with the intention to heal completely and permanently that which we have been dragging along with us for thousands of years of darkness on all levels.
This method’s intention is to help you free yourself as fast as possible and as efficiently as possible from everything that keeps you from BEING who you truly ARE.
The most powerful aspect of this work is that every day, with every new cleanse, you will become closer and closer to incarnating your inner god/goddess.
Every day, you will feel more aligned with your god/goddess and with the divine energy that manifests itself in your life bringing compassion, humility, serenity, happiness and love.
How can we help you
To do this, we have designed a path, or spiritual journey, where the Method is the instrument we use to free you from anything that keeps you away from your divine nature; the Activations are the motors that help you recover your power, and the Therapies are the support that help you understand the process. With the help of specialized therapists and of the exercises featured in the Path, you will start to embody your inner god or goddess in a fast and lasting way.
My teachings are open to everyone. We are all masters and students; my task is to take your hand and help you understand who you are, to help you polish the diamond that is hidden inside you and to rejoice with you for the unraveling of your inner light, serenity and love.
At the end, you will keep walking on your own, once the master inside you comes to Light.
This teaching is about spirituality. We will teach you everything. It is up to you to decide which parts are truly useful to you in your life. Each path is different, and at the very end, they all lead to Unity.
The path
OTher courses
When I incarnate AmArAntA, she doesn’t need a CV, she is a goddess that guides me just as your god/goddess will guide you when you are ready. The moment you will receive the name of your inner god/goddess, he/she will awaken in you and nothing will ever be the same.
In the meantime, your personality will free itself from ego and from the conflicts that have been keeping you attached for thousands of lives, from the memories stored in your genealogical tree, from the hooks that keep you submitted to the collective unconscious…
The person through which AmArAntA has chosen to incarnate on a physical plane is human and therefore continuously evolving.
Graciela Edith Heredia Luna, Arcai
When we are following this path we tend to think that we are weird and often we feel lonely. With the Amaranta Method we are all brothers and sister and we support each other, we accompany each other and we enjoy being together because we become like children. (…) Being able to feel joy is a divine gift. Thank you… Thank you… Thank you.
Marian Vivo Verdú
I love Elisa. She is a true companion on our personal growth path, helping us get better day by day and enabling us to give the best of ourselves on all levels. Path came into my life and settled there. Thank you Elisa, thank you Amaranta. Thank you dear companions. Thank you universe. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Lisette (Aïlisa)
My personal experience with the Amaranta Method. My first therapy with Amaranta I had in July 2014 in The Netherlands. As I was looking around inthe spiritual world I was curious what the added value of this method could be for me. It felt very good and Amaranta is very pure and honest in heart approach. I personally saw and felt the positive changes that were made by the therapy. Though I decided to do more therapy’s with her, for she went back to Spain the others therapy's were done on distant. The changes that occurred made me decide to do the Path of Amaranta in December 2014 in La Herradura, Spain. I went to Spain for 2 weeks to follow the course. The path was intense and heavy for me and very valuable and beautiful. Caught by the high impact and quality of the exercises I wanted to become a professional therapist for this method. The Therapist education is an online course which I started in April 2015. And the crown on the path is the Master course that I did in October 2015 in Almuñécar in Spain. The Path is a way to get to know yourself, remove all garbage on all levels which we collect during this and past lives and a fantastic way to develop personally. For me it was very valuable and I am very happy that I decided to apply for the courses. Now I am a therapist and do therapy’s with people. Still amazed about the results that occur with my clients. And another added value is that I got a lot of new friends within “the Amaranta family”.Much Love & Light,
To flow with imagination, in all possible forms of being finding happiness. In walking through the world. Being aware of our belonging to the energy universe that surrounds us. You take part in the dance of existence!
I have done the Path several times, my first time being in 2007 and every time I’m surprised at all the beautiful things that I learn and experiment with it.
I’m impressed to have found such an efficient method to eliminate blockages and traumas (leaving space for love!) and the pace at which I Am evolving. (…) I love myself, and thanks to a healthy conscious communication, my life has become easier and lighter. Amaranta, thanks for the inspiration, the poetry and the love!
Peter -Salusa
The Amaranta Method in a few words: if you wish to get to know yourself and get rid of all the garbage that you didn’t even know you were carrying around, this is a path that will help you discover and become your own divine nature. Life will smile back at you (…)
![Amaranta method book cover](
Amaranta Method book in english
This book is the fruit of the channelings of my I Am or my inner goddess, known to me by the name of AmArAntA, as well as other guides that call themselves guides of the Amarantine vibration, that have been sending me these healing tools for the past ten years.
These healing tools are in the book that details the Amaranta’s method and they are the teaching materials of The Path.
Also here: Amazon, Casa del Libro, El Corte Inglés
Amaranta method II (book in spanish)
This book is a compendium of many hours, of many channelings, of many courses, of many courses, of many contributions and of many people involved in its creation and development, who participated in its creation and development.
It is clear that it is necessary to have done the Amaranta Path and to have read Amaranta Method I. to understand this book.
Remember that this book is the didactic material for the Amaranta Method therapist course. It is essential to be assisted by an official therapist guide. It does not make sense to use it outside the course, indeed: it can be counterproductive.
Also here: El Corte Inglés.
The 111 Quantum-Christic codes
The 111 Quantum christic codes are useful and necessary tools for therapists, masters and guides as well as for anyone who is experiencing blockages in his/her life.
Quantum Christic codes operate from the highest vibration through images, colour, movement and sound. Learning them helps us, among others things, to create with words.
Also here: Amazon, o La Casa del Libro.
![Amaranta method book cover](
Amaranta Method book in english
This book is the fruit of the channelings of my I Am or my inner goddess, known to me by the name of AmArAntA, as well as other guides that call themselves guides of the Amarantine vibration, that have been sending me these healing tools for the past ten years.
These healing tools are in the book that details the Amaranta’s method and they are the teaching materials of The Path.
Also here: Amazon, Casa del Libro, El Corte Inglés
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